Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The Smells of SEPTA

SEPTA is a smelly place. Yesterday, for example, the entire bus smelled like spoiled milk. I am forgiving of these mystery smells - I assume that most people with odor disorders don't do it on purpose. They either don't realize that they smell, or can't help it. However, its the offenders who can control it that really get under my skin (Take note, smokers who put out their cigarettes as they board the bus!!!!!)

Now, I know that I am more sensitive than most to perfumes and floral smells. However, my sensitivity aside, I still don't think an enclosed, poorly ventilated public transportation vehicle is the place for applying these scents. Which brings me to Miss Stinky Sanitizer. On several occasions, I have seen these woman, probably in her late 50's, spray hairpspray on the bus, with not so much as turning around to see if someone is behind her. She also uses a heavily scented old lady lotion from time to time. But the worst is her daily hygiene regime of hand sanitizer. Every day, without fail, she boards the bus three stops after me, sits down,usually a seat or two away, and applies the strongest smelling hand sanitizer ever. It smells like a cross between Aussie shampoo or hair spray (you know the purple bottle, no offense to anyone who uses it, but it should definitely not be the scent of a hand sanitizer) and rubbing alcohol.

Having dealt with really bad smelling fellow passengers, maybe I shouldn't complain - particularly in the 90 degree weather. I guess for now, with the fear of worse smells to come throughout the summer, I'll cut Miss SS some slack.

Catcalls, Episode 1

Sweaty man crammed into the front of a UHaul truck with three friends: "Hey Shorty, lookin good....lookin real good shorty"

Me: Slight eye roll, disapproving head shake

Sweaty man: "Well F U you fat, ugly b$*&%!"

......Dude, make up your mind...hot or not?

Monday, June 28, 2010

Daily Gem

Observed today: Young woman wearing a burqa covering all of her hair and about half of her face. Very common among the large Muslim population in Philadelphia. Not so common: The belly shirt exposing her navel and series of belly tatoos also worn by the woman. WHAT?!?

My Nemesis

There is a weasly little man who rides my bus from time to time, whom we shall refer to from this point forward as my nemesis. Luckily, my nemesis and I are on different schedules, and I only have to look at his stupid face a few times a month. I have never spoken to him, but I'm pretty sure from the death stares I give him, he knows he is my nemesis. From time to time, I have heard him make a few ridiculous, ignorant statements to his bus buddies, but this incident takes the cake.

One day, a few months back, there was a young mom, probably about 17, with her baby on the bus. The baby was wailing incessantly the whole ride home. It was a rainy day, the bus was stuck in horrible traffic, and I will admit, I think every single person on the bus, including me, was annoyed with the crying baby. And I'm pretty sure the mom was well aware of it. I think most people, as annoyed as they were, felt badly for her and were understanding. However, my nemesis, staying true to the evil person I imagine him to be, couldn't keep his weasly, evil mouth shut. Mind you, he had his Ipod on, and could probably barely hear the baby, but from the front of the bus, he turned around about every 20 seconds, rolled his eyes and shook his head obnoxiously, and turned around again. Finally, on about the 20th turn around, he says, out loud "Who brings a baby on the bus?"

I cringed!!!! EXCUSE ME????? What does that even mean, who brings a baby on the bus? Many people bring babies on the bus, particularly people who can't afford cars!!!!! If I had a baby, I would be bringing that child, crying and all, on the bus. And, I would seat that crying, screaming baby right down next to my nemesis and his weasly, evil face.

Who the Hell is Robbie...and other unanswered questions..

Here is a conversation I overheard the other day on my walk to the busstop. Like me, many of you might have unanswered questions after reading.

Lady on Cell Phone to man of unknown relationship on the other end:

"How much money do you have right now? $30? You need to give that $30 to Robbie. Why? Why? Cuz Robbie needs to EAT! (pause) AND Robbie needs to buy my father cigarettes (At this point, I think Robbie is their son and I am disturbed at a little boy buying cigarettes...)."

"I pay Robbie good money to watch my father every month (I guess Robbie is not their child)...$1,000....and he just sits up there smoking all my dads cigarettes. He doesn't do nothing but smoke his cigarettes and eat his food. My dad is an old man, he needs his cigarettes, he can't go buy them himself. He can't just walk to the store and buy his cigarettes himself" (Note: If caretaker is doing nothing and smoking all your dads cigarettes, maybe its time to find a new caretaker)

"So you need to give Robbie the $30 so he can go buy something to eat, and buy my dad a carton of cigarettes, that's why. Ok?" (Pause)

"Oh, and do you have another $20? I need money for a co-pay, I need to take my dad to the doctors tomorrow to get tests to make sure he doesn't have lung cancer."

End conversation. I'm not kidding. My eyes popped out of my head.