Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The Smells of SEPTA

SEPTA is a smelly place. Yesterday, for example, the entire bus smelled like spoiled milk. I am forgiving of these mystery smells - I assume that most people with odor disorders don't do it on purpose. They either don't realize that they smell, or can't help it. However, its the offenders who can control it that really get under my skin (Take note, smokers who put out their cigarettes as they board the bus!!!!!)

Now, I know that I am more sensitive than most to perfumes and floral smells. However, my sensitivity aside, I still don't think an enclosed, poorly ventilated public transportation vehicle is the place for applying these scents. Which brings me to Miss Stinky Sanitizer. On several occasions, I have seen these woman, probably in her late 50's, spray hairpspray on the bus, with not so much as turning around to see if someone is behind her. She also uses a heavily scented old lady lotion from time to time. But the worst is her daily hygiene regime of hand sanitizer. Every day, without fail, she boards the bus three stops after me, sits down,usually a seat or two away, and applies the strongest smelling hand sanitizer ever. It smells like a cross between Aussie shampoo or hair spray (you know the purple bottle, no offense to anyone who uses it, but it should definitely not be the scent of a hand sanitizer) and rubbing alcohol.

Having dealt with really bad smelling fellow passengers, maybe I shouldn't complain - particularly in the 90 degree weather. I guess for now, with the fear of worse smells to come throughout the summer, I'll cut Miss SS some slack.

1 comment:

  1. I think the SEPTA experiences are helping you identify terrible smells all over the city....i.e. the dead body smell....LOL.
    PS the hot weather is making our already STANKY bathroom at work evern stankier!!
